Because when I leave, I don’t come back.
You’ll ask me what I see when I look at you, I’ll tell you it’s always fireflies and Aurora Borealis skies. Always the red in the apple that tempted Eve. That it’s always neon radiance. It’s always colors that before your voice I had not known. I’ll look at you like the world didn’t look this way before I met you, all dripping in gold and bathed in roseate glow. I’ll hold your heart in my hands cupped, ever so gently. Keep it close to my chest like the blood was my own. Like taking care of you was the sole reason stars had to die to give life to this body of mine. I’ll carve out a whole chamber from my heart, and in that space build you a home. I will give you a place in which you can feel like you always belong. Believe me when I tell you that your hands will never be empty of anything. I’ll give you more love than you know what to do with. Everything inside me will be for you too. For you, I will spill myself and overflo...